Using manual payslips and creating templates for future use
There will be times when you will need to pay an employee, such as creating a backpay or paying a bonus on a separate payslip. In this case, creating a manual payslip would be beneficial. We cover more use cases in the relevant section below.
Occasionally, you may need to create a manual payslip for an employee (who isn't generating a draft payslip due to not working shifts) for many pay periods in a row. Using a payslip template will allow you to pay this employee the same preconfigured pay item or leave entitlement week to week with ease. Use cases for this would include employees on WorkCover or Paid Parental Leave.
In this article, we will cover:
- Creating a manual payslip
- Creating a manual payslip to use as a payslip template
- Managing your payslip template library by editing or deleting them
Looking for information on how to update payslips? Check out our Processing Pay for your employees help guide here.
Should you need to create a manual payslip for an employee this can be done:
- Before you generate the rest of your pays.
- Or, at a separate time if you find you have missed a payment for an employee.
A few examples of why you would need to create a manual payslip include:
- When you need a second payslip for the same period ending.
- If you need to pay out an employee's remaining leave balance in the same pay period that leave is redeemed.
- An employee has just started and hasn't completed their registration before payday.
- If you wish to create a backpay.
- Changing an employee's position to Salaried (autopay) after pay cycles for the period ending have been generated.
- Creating a pay item for an employee on a trial shift.
To create a manual payslip for an employee:
- Navigate to Payroll > Pay > Add Payslip.
- Select the Employee, Duration, Period Ending Date and Payment Date from the drop-down boxes.
Please note: Not all employee's names will appear in the drop-down box, please begin typing the employee's name to locate them.
- Select + Add New Position then select the employee's Operation, Position and State.
- Select + Add pay rate then add in your line items by selecting the 'Type' from the drop-down box.
- Once the relevant line items have been added, you can add any Allowances, Entitlements, Reimbursements or Deductions where needed.
Please note: Deductions that are configured to pay into a separate account may not be added directly to a payslip. These must be added to an employee's profile or from the Deductions page. Alternatively, the bulk deductions import can be used to add these to payslips.
Additionally, since the payslip was created manually, some automatic processes, such as deductions, may not be applied. Instead, these will need to be added to the payslip through an edit. - Once the relevant details have been applied, scroll to the bottom and select Calculate Totals. You can then select Preview Payslip to see a preview of the payslip.
- Once you have previewed the payslip and ensured all details are correct, select Create Payslip. A pop-up will appear confirming if you would like to Save Changes for this employee and asking if you want to save this as a template for further use. More information on payslip templates is provided in this guide below.
- The payslip then appears in Draft Payslips under the specified period ending ready for you to process pay as normal.
Payslip templates can save you time week to week if you are creating manual payslips for certain employees regularly.
Use cases for Payslip templates may be:
- Paying an employee week to week who is on Workcover.
- Paying an employee week to week on Paid Parental Leave.
- Paying an employee a regular bonus on a separate payslip.
Tips for using Payslip Templates:
- You'll create a template on a 'per employee basis' by creating a manual payslip. The employee can be edited later if necessary using the edit function.
- You can save as many templates as you like to the library for future use.
- You can edit templates to change the employee, add pay items or change the employee position and resave for future use.
- Templates that are no longer needed can be deleted from the library.
Creating and Using a payslip template
Do you find yourself creating manual payslips for the same employee often? Save time week to week by creating a template that includes the pay items, allowances, and specific information for that particular employee.
To start using templates, you'll first need to create them from a manual payslip.
To create a template for an employee:
- Navigate to Payroll > Pay > the Add Payslip button.
- Add all the relevant details you'll want included in the template (these can be edited later as well). At a minimum, you'll need to include:
- The Employee, Duration, Period Ending Date and Payment Date from the drop-down boxes.
- The Operation, State and Employee's position.
- Add any other relevant details you'll want included in the template (these can be edited later as well). The most common examples to include would be the allowance or pay item you'll want to regularly pay the employee.
- Once the relevant line items have been added, you can add any Entitlements, Reimbursements, Super contributions or Deductions where needed.
- Calculate totals and Preview Payslip as needed.
- Once you are happy with your selections, press Create Payslip. This will prompt the modal, asking you if you'd like to save this as a template for future use.
- The payslip then appears in Draft Payslips under the specified period ending ready for you to process pay as normal. The template will be saved to your Payslip template library.
Using payslip templates
From your template library, you'll be able to directly create a pay cycle from previously saved templates! You'll also be able to manage your templates by editing and resaving or deleting them.
To load a payslip template:
- Navigate to Payroll > Pay > select the down arrow next to the Add Payslip button, and select the + Payslips Template from the drop-down.
- From your Payslips Templates, select Create Paycycle to load your template.
- This will load the employee's payslip template.
Please note: Be sure to check all of the details before proceeding with the template.- The payslip template retains all of the information as to how it was saved. Be sure to adjust the Period ending and Payment Date before proceeding with the rest of the information.
- The employee can be edited by typing in the employee field.
- If the employee's position has changed since the template has been created, that field will appear errored prompting you to address the field.
- Once you've made all the relevant changes, select Update Payslip. And confirm the relevant changes to the payslip with a reason. Next, save changes.
- The payslip then appears in Draft Payslips under the specified period ending ready for you to process pay as normal.
As time goes on your template library will need to be updated to remove any unneeded templates or make edits to existing ones where some details may have changed.
For example, if you have created payslip templates for employees who were on Workcover and no longer are, it's a good idea to delete them.
A good reason to edit and resave a template is if an employee has moved to a new position in your business and you're continuing to use the template.
To edit a payslip template:
- Navigate to the Add Payslip down arrow > Payslips Templates.
- Locate the relevant Payslip template and select Edit.
Make the relevant changes to the template and select Update Template at the bottom of the screen.
- The employee can be edited by typing in the employee field.
- You'll be prompted to Confirm the changes for adjusting to the template.
This template should now be adjusted in your library.
To delete a payslip template:
- Navigate to the Add Payslip down arrow > Payslips Templates.
- Locate the relevant Payslip template and select Delete.
- You'll then be prompted to be sure you'd like to delete the template. Select Yes, Continue. This template will now be permanently deleted from your library.
Please note: Templates are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please recreate the template using the steps above if required.