Pay Item and Allowance Schedule

Pay Item and Allowance Schedule

The Pay Item and Allowance Schedule report shows the current configuration of all pay items and allowances in your foundU platform. This report tells you how each pay item/allowance in the system is set up for tax, STP and variables, and will assist in EOFY reconciliation.

Watch this video on how to run the Pay Item and Allowance Schedule Report or follow the steps below.

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Locating the Pay Item and Allowance Schedule

To locate and run the Pay Item and Allowance Schedule:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Financial and locate the Pay Item and Allowance Schedule report.
  2. Here you will see a list of all of the Allowances against their corresponding awards
  3. Click the word 'Label' (allowance) to arrange by Label, or you may find it useful to arrange by Award.
  4. You can also export the data or Print.


About the schedule data

This Schedule reads data from allowances and the detail of how they are set up in each Award. This will be useful at EOFY when comparing reconciliation data to STP reports. If you need to investigate how each allowance is set up for tax, super guarantee, payroll tax etc you will find it easy to view in the schedule.