Labour Management Report (LMR)

Generating the Labour Management Report

The Labour Management Report (LMR) is an invaluable tool for efficiently tracking labour and leave costs, helping to streamline your pre-payroll reporting process.

Its customisability allows you to tailor the report to your specific business needs, providing valuable insights and optimising your workforce management.

Some key uses for the Labour Management Report are:

  • Reviewing daily labour and leave costs 
  • Conducting pre-payroll checks
  • Award interpretation and testing 
  • Checking which days employees have leave

This article will cover:

  • Using the Labour Management Report
  • How to break labour and leave costs per day 
  • Labour Costs per Cost Centre (Rosters)
  • Costing per Employee Position
  • Breakdown shifts into each rate (e.g. ordinary, overtime, and allowances/ shift penalties)

  Please note: Admins will need the 'View Employee Pay Rates' and 'View Financial Report Center' permissions enabled to access the Labour Management Report. For further reading, please refer to our article on User Permissions

Using the Labour Management Report

Running the Labour Management Report

The Labour Management Report is a valuable report as it can be generated before payroll processing. This report uses data from Approved Shifts, allowing you to create a report for approved and/or unapproved shifts.

The following items are included in your Labour Management Report:

    • Employee hours
    • OTE, Overtime, and Leave costs
    • Shift Allowances / Penalties 
    • Charge Rates

  Hot Tip: For a comprehensive report on the items below, please refer to the post-payroll Payroll Activity Reports.

  • Payslip Edits
  • Superannuation 
  • Weekly Allowances 
  • On Costs
  • Salaried Employees - are available in the report once their draft payslips have been created.  

To run the Labour Management Report:

  1. In the quick menu, navigate to Reports > Financial and select the Labour Management Report.
  2. Select a specific date for your report or a custom date range by adding a start and end date.
  3. Select your Groupings (data columns to display). Select + Add Grouping for multiple groupings. The groupings available are:
    • Times
    • Month
    • Period End
    • Employee ID 
    • Operation ID
    • Position ID
    • Date (Useful for fortnightly periods) 
    • Day 
    • Cost Code/ Purchase Order

      In the sections below, we provide a few common examples of how to use groupings to create your custom report. 
  4. Apply any other filters or leave them blank to show all.
  5. You can also select the below checkboxes:
    •  Paid only - shows data for the shifts that have been paid (pay has been generated).
    • Approved only - shows data for the shifts that have been approved.
    • Shift breakdown - shows the rate breakdown for each shift by Ordinary time earnings (OTE) and Overtime (OT).
    • Allowance breakdown - shows allowances/ shift penalty totals by type.
    • Leave breakdown - shows paid leave totals and type.
    • Include Unpaid Leave - shows unpaid leave totals. 
    • Include No Pay Positions - includes positions from No Pay Awards.
    • Show chargeout rate - shows the charge rates along with the pay rate.
    • Exclude totals in export - excludes totals when exporting. 
  6.  Select Submit to run the report
  7. You can also export the data as a CSV, PDF or Print as needed.

Common Labour Management Report Scenarios

Costing Labour and Leave per day *NEW

The Labor Management Report offers a unique feature that enables data to be grouped to display daily cost breakdowns for labour and leave.

Grouping this report by day is essential for various circumstances, including:

    • Check your daily labour costs for all approved shifts.
    • Breakdown of approved leave for daily leave costs. 
    • Checking which days employees have leave. 

  Please note: This is not a live Sales per Labour Hour (SPLH) report. The Labour Management Report uses approved shifts and leave requests and does not include shifts currently being worked. 

How to filter by Day: 

  1. Within the Labour Management Report, specify your Date Range
  2. In the Group by menu, select Employee ID, Day (and Date for fortnightly pay periods).
  3. To filter for leave, select the Leave breakdown and Include unpaid leave checkboxes. 
  4. Select Submit.

  Hot tip: You can further customise your report to suit your needs by applying additional groupings and filters, such as Cost Code/ Purchase Order or Operation ID. 

Below is an example that shows the data grouped by Employee ID, Day, and Date and is filtered to show separate leave types.  This is for approved shifts and leave only.

Costing per Cost Centre (Roster)

One of the most common ways to view the Labour Management Report is per cost centre, as this allows you to break down your report per specific departments, jobs, and clients, depending on your platform's setup. 

Breaking down costs per cost centre can include:

    • Per Operation
    • Per Cost Code/ Purchase Order 
      • By default, your roster names are your Cost Code/ Purchase Orders.

  Hot tip: To customise your roster's cost centres further, you can use shift costing to apply multiple cost codes to a shift or day costing to override the cost codes for all shifts on a roster for a day. For further reading, please refer to our article on Cost Codes/ Purchase Orders. 

How to filter by Cost Centre: 

  1. Within the Labour Management Report, specify your Date Range
  2. In the Group by menu, select Cost Code/ Purchase Order.
  3. To filter for specific cost centres, select from the options in the following filter fields:
    • Cost Code/ Purchase Order
    • Operation
  4. Select Submit.

  Hot tip: You can further customise your report to suit your needs by applying additional groupings and filters, such as Employee ID, Operation ID, or Day

Below is an example that shows the data grouped by Cost Code/ Purchase Order. The report has also been filtered to view only FOH and BOH cost centres for approved shifts and leave only.

Costing per Employee Position

The Labour Management Report can be used to group employees by position, which may be preferable for the following circumstances:

    • View employee rates per position.
    • Identify expected costs per position.

    • To test how rates are applied per position for specific days (e.g. Public Holidays

How to filter by Employee Position: 

  1. Within the Labour Management Report, specify your Date Range
  2. In the Group by menu, select Position ID.
  3. To filter for approved/ paid shifts only, select the Paid only or Approved only checkboxes
  4. Select Submit.

  Hot tip: You can further customise your report to suit your needs by applying additional groupings and filters, such as Employee ID, Cost Code/ Purchase Order, or Day

Below is an example that shows the data grouped by Position ID. This is for approved shifts and leave only.

Shift Breakdown to view OTE and OT

One of the best ways to filter the Labour Management Report is by breaking down a shift into its specific rates. Some key benefits of using Shift breakdown include:

    • Breaking shifts into Afternoon/ Night Shift,  Weekend, and Public Holiday Rates.
    • Separates Ordinary and Overtime hours and rates.
    • Checking shift/ day allowances and penalties.
    • Useful for payroll and awards testing. 

How to filter by Shift Breakdown: 

  1. Within the Labour Management Report, specify your Date Range
  2. In the Group by menu, select Employee ID and Day.
  3. To filter for shift allowances/ penalties and shift breakdowns, select the Shift breakdown and Allowance breakdown checkboxes
  4. Select Submit.

  Hot tip: You can further customise your report to suit your needs by applying additional groupings and filters, such as Operation ID or Cost Code/ Purchase Order. 

Below is an example that shows the data grouped by Employee ID and Day.

Filters for Shift breakdown and Allowance breakdown have been applied to separate OTE (Ordinary) and OT (Overtime) rates and allowances for approved shifts and leave only.

When the Labour Management Report is exported to CSV, each shift rate, paid leave type and allowance will be in separate columns, as shown below.