Making payslips accessible to view for admins and employees
If you work in payroll, there will be a variety of reasons you'll want to view or download payslips. For example, as a part of your payroll checks or if you are enquiring why an employee was paid in a certain way.
You may also email payslips to employees if this is part of your business practice. However, this is not necessarily required as all employees have access to any payslips they have been paid in foundU via their Employee App.
In this article, we will cover:
- The multiple ways to view payslips.
- Emailing payslips to employees.
- Download a PDF version of a payslip.
- Download payslips in bulk (zip file). For example:
- You may need to download payslips to provide information to the ATO for Apprentices and Trainees.
- You may need to download a year's worth of payslips for one employee to provide to WorkCover.
To learn more about Processing pay for employees and Navigating the Pay page, view the Help guide here.
There are numerous ways in which you can view payslips, which we will cover in more detail below, including:
- Viewing Generated or Draft payslips from the Pay page (view all, or view by period end and other filters).
- Viewing payslips for a specific employee on their profile.
- Viewing a payslip from the employee's view. Admins may want to log in as the employee to see their view when assisting an employee.
Employees can view their payslips through their employee portal, view the Help guide here.
Viewing payslips from the Pay page
To do so:
- In the quick menu navigate to Payroll > Pay.
- Select either the Draft payslips or the Generated Paylips tab.
- Use the date range selector to find your Period Ending or Payment date and any other filters.
- You can use the Search bar to find a specific employee, otherwise, all payslips for that period ending will display.
- On the right-hand side locate the Payslip ID number in question. Press it to view the PDF of the individual payslip.
Viewing Adjustment Payslips and Payslip Versions
Payslip ID - In the above image, you'll note the highlighted payslip ID has an 'A' and another ID next to it. This format allows you to easily identify adjustments.
- The 'A' highlights the payslip as being an adjustment.
- The ID next to it refers to the original payslip ID that was used to create the adjustment.
Version - Many actions will create a new version of the payslip.
- Version History can be viewed via the down arrow next to the payslip ID > History.
- The version number of the payslip indicates how many updates the payslip has had.
Payslip ID - In the above image, you'll note the highlighted payslip ID has an 'A' and another ID next to it. This format allows you to easily identify adjustments.
View Payslip on a specific employee's profile
Admins can also view payslips for a specific Employee by either searching for the employee directly or via approved people and selecting the desired employee.
To do so:
- In the Employees Profile select the Financial tab > Payslips to view the payslips.
- To search for a specific payslip, sort by ascending or descending date by selecting on the Period Ending filter.
- Select the payslip ID number to view an individual's payslip.
Viewing a payslip from the Employee Portal
Admins with the correct permissions can also view payslips for specific Employees by logging in as the desired employee.
To do so:
- From the Employee Profile, select 'Login as' and this will take you to the Employee Portal.
Please note: If you do not see the option to login as an employee, you don't have the required user permission. Please reach out to a Super User or access the payslip in one of the other methods mentioned. - In the Employee Portal select View Profile > Payslips.
If you would like to email payslips to your employees you can do so once pay is generated. However, employees will be able to see their payslips in their Employee App as soon as their pay has been generated, so you may wish to save time and have employees access all payslips in their App.
Email Payslips to Employees
To email a payslip to an employee or multiple employees:
- Navigate to Payroll > Pay and choose the Generated Payslips tab.
- Using the calendar date picker, find either the relevant Period end, Pay date or select Range to capture multiple pay cycles at a time.
- When selecting Range, you then also have the option to choose from pre-set options rather than setting your own. From the drop-down arrow that appears you can choose from:
- This month
- Last month
- This quarter
- Last quarter
- This financial year
- Last financial year
- All time
- When selecting Range, you then also have the option to choose from pre-set options rather than setting your own. From the drop-down arrow that appears you can choose from:
- Determine which employees to send to:
- Use the search box to locate a single employee.
- Select multiple employees using the tick boxes on the left.
- Select all employees by selecting the down arrow > Select everything to email all payslips,
- Once your selections have been made, press Email in the Actions bar at the bottom of the page.
- The selected payslips will then be emailed to the employees.
- The email icon will turn green once the email has been sent.
- Hovering over the icon will provide the email sent information including when it was last emailed and the admin who sent it.
- If an edit is made to a payslip after it has been emailed to the employee, the email icon will turn back to grey indicating you have not emailed the employee the latest version of the payslip.
You can also see an email history of communication in the employee's profile if needed.
Hot tip: If you make edits to generated payslips, your employees will always see the most up-to-date payslip versions in their App, taking the pressure off your payroll team to email out payslips.
Watch along below as we email payslips to multiple employees from the generated payslips tab, and then view this communication sent in one of the employee's profiles.
If you would like to download a PDF version of your employee's payslips you can do so individually or in bulk as a zip file. If you are looking to do this in bulk, please refer to the section below titled Download Payslips in Bulk. We will cover the individual employee payslip download below.
Download a single payslip
If you would like to download an individual payslip for a single employee, this can only be performed on generated payslips.
To do so:
- Navigate to Payroll > Pay and choose the Generated payslips tab.
- Using the calendar date picker, find either the relevant Period end or Pay date or select Range to capture multiple pay cycles at a time.
- When selecting Range, you then also have the option to choose from pre-set options rather than setting your own. From the drop-down arrow that appears you can choose from:
- This month
- Last month
- This quarter
- Last quarter
- This financial year
- Last financial year
- All time
- When selecting Range, you then also have the option to choose from pre-set options rather than setting your own. From the drop-down arrow that appears you can choose from:
- Use the search box to search for a specific employee.
- Select the tickbox on the left of the employee's name on the payslip you want to download.
- Select Download > Payslips from the Taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
- The select payslip will now be downloaded.
Hot tip: Using the CSV option in the Taskbar, you can export pay data in bulk. Exporting your pay data is a great way to check your draft payslips before processing pays.
Please follow along to see a demo of a single payslip being downloaded.
There may be occasions when you would like to download payslips in bulk such as:
- In the case of an audit
- When an employee needs all of their past payslips at once
When downloading payslips in bulk, you might like to do this for:
- All payslips for a single employee
- All payslips for a single period end
- The payslips of a group of manually selected employees
If you would like to download payslips in bulk, this can only be performed on generated payslips. The download will come as a zip file making it easy for you to identify certain paylips.
Download payslips in Bulk (zip file)
To do so:
- Navigate to Payroll > Pay and choose the Generated payslips tab.
Depending on which payslips you'd like to download, follow one of the below methods.
- All payslips- Clear the date filter by selecting 'x' to see all the payslips for a selected period end.
- A selection of employees- Use the tick boxes on the left to select the employees you'd like to download.
- Select the period-ending column title to sort by the period-ending column. You could also perform this action by payment date.
- If you are choosing to select all payslips use the down arrow next to the tickbox in the blue bar to:
- Select everything (recommended) or,
- Select all on the page
- Select Download > Payslips from the Taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
- A Zip file will then download containing all the selected payslips.
Please follow along to see a demo of bulk payslips being downloaded to a zip file.