Superannuation Accrual Report

By running the Superannuation Report, you're able to view the total superannuation accrued per employee, fund or operation.

This report is located in the quick menu navigate to Reports > Financial this will display the Financial Report Centre and scroll to the Accruals & liabilities section.

To generate the report:

  1. Select the Superannuation Report option.
  2. Select the date Duration.
  3. Select any groupings to display in the report:
    1. Employee
    2. Fund
    3. Operation / Client
  4. Select an Office Code (if applicable).
  5. Select any Operations if needed.
  6. The search function allows yo to navigate to a specific employee for example in a long list.
  7. Tick Cash Basis (if required).
  8. Click Submit.

The report can also be exported to CSV and PDF.
